Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wet-Plate, Black Glass

This is one of the Virgin images on black glass.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Zoe Leonard

I saw this image by Zoe Leonard in an art magazine and it intrigued me. It seems like a glimpse inside the mind of another. Psychologically interesting. I can't find any of her female genitalia images on the web. But here is a shot from an unusual perspective...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Viewmaster for me!

I finally bought a viewmaster! and it is black :) It came with the original box and some photos to view. Very cool for $15 at the Alameda Antique Faire.

Witnessed the Sale of this Santos Head

$1800 to a nice lady who allowed me to photograph the head before she took it home with her. This was at the Santos booth at the Alameda Antique Faire last Sunday.

Bastidor (Santo with Cage)

Oh how I wish I had the money to buy this one! $350 on ebay. Not a bad deal.